
jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

#books #activism #africa | Queer African Reader Paperback

Queer African Reader Paperback / Edited by Sokari Ekine, Hakima Abbas.
Pambazuka Press, 2013 [04-18].
220 p.
ISBN 9780857490995

/ EN / ENS / REC
/ Activismo / Africa / Arte / Derechos Humanos / Exilio sexual / LGTB / Homofobia / Liberación sexual / Persecuaciones política / Testimonios

As homophobia and transphobia threaten to silence the voices of African lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people, this account is a testament to the resistance and unrelenting power of these communities across Africa and its diaspora. It brings together academic writings, political analysis, life testimonies, conversations, and artistic works by Africans that engage with the struggle for LGBTI liberation. The book aims to engage the audience from the perspective that various traits of identity—such as gender, race, and class—interact to contribute to social inequality. Including experiences from diverse African contexts, this work breaks away from the homogenization of Africa as the homophobic continent to highlight the complexities of LGBTI lives and experiences through their own voices.

Pambazuka Press | Queer African Reader Paperback

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