
jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

#books #biography | Universal Man : The Seven Lives of John Maynard Keynes

Universal Man : The Seven Lives of John Maynard Keynes / Richard Davenport-Hines
Glasgow, UK : Harper Collins, 2015 [03-12]
432 p.
ISBN 9780007519804

/ EN / BIO
/ Bisexualidad / Gran Bretaña / Historia – Siglo XX / Homosexualidad / John Maynard Keynes / Testimonios

John Maynard Keynes is the man who saved Britain from financial crisis not once but twice – over the course of two World Wars. He remains a highly influential figure, nearly 70 years after his death. But who was he? In this entertaining biography, Richard Davenport-Hines gives us the man behind the economics: the connoisseur, intellectual, public official and statesman who was equally at ease socialising with the Bloomsbury Group as he was persuading prime ministers and presidents. By exploring the desires and experiences that made Keynes think as he did, Davenport-Hines reveals the aesthetic basis of Keynesian economics, and explores why the ideas of this Great Briton continue to resonate so powerfully today.

Universal Man: the Seven Lives of John Maynard Keynes by Richard Davenport-Hines, review: 'sprightly'

John Maynard Keynes had a string of passions besides economics. Tim Bouverie examines the man behind the fiscal theories
Tim Bouverie | The Telegraph, 2015-03-10
Las dos vidas sexuales de Keynes

Una biografía repasa las múltiples caras de uno de los mayores economistas de la historia, que coleccionó múltiples amantes masculinos hasta que a los 33 años contrajo matrimonio con la bailarina rusa Lidia Lopkova
Luis Ventoso | El Correo, 2015-04-12

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